habitar el verde / dwelling in the green

Inhabiting – an everyday touch, an unobtrusive entry and exit in a habitat that has become familiar. The greenery of the garden is a shelter for the double bass, which inhabits its fullness of sound, its light-flooded niches, its semi-wild vegetation. Conversing with the soundscape of the moment, the instrument integrates itself into the landscape from which its basic material once grew and intervenes at the same time. The cinematic triptych invites audiences to immerse themselves in an atmospheric journey and not only witness but inhabit the green themselves, allowing the boundaries between observer and observed to blur in a transcendent audiovisual experience. As part of the MadMap series by YonX, the piece explores traces of different times and events that are visibly or subliminally engraved in places making them unique. These encounters are only conceived in situ, where the impracticality, inflexibility, and unportability of the setting become essential to the alchemy. Only by acknowledging this inherent condition can one attain a touch that wields a transformative potency. YonX exposes themselves to this touch, birthing site-specific works that resonate with the essence of place.
double bass
cesar bernal
villa waldberta